Find det fulde program nedenfor. Symposiet foregår på engelsk.
10.15-10.30 Welcome with coffee, Senior Lecturer, PhD Karen Klitgaard Povlsen
10.30-12.00 Irina D. Mihalache: Museums and Food: Creating Reflective Practices
12.00-13.15 Lunch break with sandwiches and soft drinks
13.15-14.45 Food and Museums: Practices and Experiences,
Panel with presentations and debate:
- Karen Grøn, Head of Trapholt Museum: Eat Me: Food Exhibition
- Bettina Buhl, Curator ,The Green Museum: House of Food
- Birgit Jenvold, Curator, The Royal Danish Collection: A Place at The Royal Table
14.45-15.00 FOCUS: Food in Museums in the future, Ass. Professor, PhD Susanne Højlund and Curator Bettina Buhl.
15.00-16-00 A glass of wine/soft drink to future enterprises :)
PLACE AU Building 1584, room 124, Langelandsgade 139, 8000 Aarhus C.
SIGN UP Free attendence. Sign up with a mail to karenk [at] by May 11th!